Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Hearthy.co Digital HealthCare - Marketing Bounty Program

Hearthy Foundation
The Hearthy is the core of the project as well as the impetus behind the vision of of an open and global healthcare network. The Hearthy Foundation is intended to be a DAO in the future, yet for now, it will remain a human-operated foundation. After a prescribed amount of time, token holders will vote if and when the Hearthy Foundation should move toward becoming a DAO.

The Hearthy Foundation will fund: 

  • The development of the protocol, the coin, and all the infrastructure necessary for other organizations to be able to beneft from the Hearthy ecosystem.
  • Any organization or developer who plans to use the Hearthy protocol and to create a healthcare associated app. 

The Hearthy Foundation will be funded by transaction fees, which may be reduced for organizations that demonstrate better health outcomes.

How will the Hearthy Foundation select the best projects?

Every year, the Hearthy Foundation will establish a budget for developers based on its liquidity. The Foundation will then be opened for call for approximately 1 month and at that time accept problems that the developers have submitted for consideration. Every project sent to the Foundation within the deadline will be sent for peer review. Reviewers in this case are always token holders, and ultimately, one project is sent to at least 5 token holders. Their task is then to score the project resulting in the projects with the highest scores getting funded. Both organizations and developers also have the possibility to fund themselves partially. When the determination is made that a project will be funded, a project controller is assigned who will be responsible for controlling milestones and triggering the funding; every project is funded in steps, and only after having reached certain milestones.

The Foundation is also tasked with maintaining the value of the token as high and stable. In order to achieve that, the Foundation has to protect the token-holder’s interests, making the token value rise over time. Although current regulations don’t allow the Foundation to make quarterly payouts, as soon as the regulator creates a comprehensible framework for token economy, the Foundation will evolve with the aim to incentivize long-term value of the HER token.

Onboarding Strategies
If we want the ecosystem and the coin to succeed, it is essential for us to gain some traction with health users and health organizations. The objective of the services Hearthy Co. will develop is to encourage other organizations to join the protocol, but that might not be enough. We will incentivize the onboarding in the following ways:

  • Distributing an amount of tokens to the frst organizations joining after Hearthy Co.: Organizations will present a health service/product associated to an invoice; next if the Foundation evaluates the project positively it can fund the initial development of the project. We believe this will incentivize small startups and health companies to come up with great ideas on developing projects in our ecosystem.
  • Distributing an amount of tokens to the frst users joining Hearthy Co. services, so they access the frst services with a signifcant discount.
  • Creating enough documentation and repositories to make it easy for any organization to set up a project.
  • Advising small teams in UX, user experience and user onboarding

More Info 
Website : http://hearthy.co/
Whitepaper : http://hearthy.co/assets/images/Hearthy-whitepaper.pdf
Twitter : https://twitter.com/hearthyco
Telegram : https://t.me/joinchat/FH65F0IDyxLajpe-Kp6ecw
Slack : https://slack-invite.hearthy.co/
Github : https://github.com/hearthyco

Author : mriansa
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