What is BENEBIT?
Benebit acts as a hub that connects consumers with businesses by fulfilling the need for better technologies in the cashbacj and loyalty market. Using Blockchain technology, benebit eliminates the point system, which delays the instant use of cashback and rewards, by introducing Benebit Token (BNE) and the online marketplace "Benebit Blockchain" where transactions take place in single curency BNE on global scale.Benebit.io aims to revolutionize the world of cashback adn loyalty programs by blockchain teknology. Cashback and loyalty programs are gaining popularity all over the world, and merchants are making every possible move to reduce customer churn with numerous offers, deals, and easy payment solutions to make consumer lives better and convert them into loyal customers.
Cashback and loyalty programs are a way to incentivize customers by paying them an amount of cash for every purchase they complate. The main idea is to create a better consumer-merchant relationship by facilitating consumers. Cashback is most often associated with credit card companies, but it is no longer confined to a single business or company and is achieving fame in all business sectors, all over the world.
The Problem
Despite the huge size of the cashback and loyalty markets, consumers and businesses do not seems to be content. The problem lies in the execution of the process and a lack of approprieate features. The main problems on the consumer end are the lack of personalized offers and the prolonged time they have to wait to get the points or cashback. Then, of the most loyal customers, only 22% feel that they are being treated better than non-members, which is due to a face difficulties because cross-platform redemption of points is not common, and cross-border utillization is not practiced. So, earning and using points is troublesome. In addition, merchants face difficulties in understanding their customers, which causes custumer churn.Solution
From surveys and reports, we know that a huge number of custumers are abandoning loyalty programs because of the difficulity and length of time involved in earning points, which is exacerbated by the strict rules imposed on cashing them. Through Benebit, customers will no longer need to worry about points being allocated to spesific businesses; we are introducing the concept of blockchain-bakced Benebit Tokens to be used instanly. Now, There is no minimum point of redemption, because the cryptocurrency of Benebit Token can be used any way.- Multicurrency Acceptence
- Benebit is global cashback and loyalty programs that aims to revolutionize tradional cashback and loyalty practices.
- BeneCard
- Benebit brings the solution to all your transaction-related issues with its BeneCard, which can replace both fiat money and credits cards, making it easy to use for payments and ever easier to earn cashback.
- Lower Transaction Costs for Businesses
- The Benebit Blockchain technology helps businesses earn more by lowering their transaction costs.
- Point of Sale System
- From a survey carried out Brand Loyalty, only 22% of members are content with their dealings with their business.
Business Model
Benebit will be built on the Ethereum blockchain and smart contract with addiotional features to ensure minimum costs to Benebit, users and businesses. The Benebit Platform will interact with other blockchains and banks when users or businesses want to deposite or withdraw from the BNE account. Consumers and business will be provided with the android and IOS application, which can be used to deposit or withdraw from the account. All transactions will be in BNE to ensure the lowest transaction costs, with the option for consumers and businesses to exchange Benebit Tokens into any cryptocurencies or fiat money at the prevailing exchanges rates, bearing the costs of the transactions.Pay with BNE
Benebit user will create an account via the Benebit application, through which Benebit Tokens can be purchased. A custumer deposit crypto/fiat funds into his/her account, covering the transaction costs, and Benebit issues the equivalent BNE the prevailling exchange rate.Payment With Cash
The customer makes the purchase at the business point of sale and gives them the complete product price. The customer upload the receipts on the Benebit platform within a defines time frameBeneCard Payment
Users will also be issued a BeneCard, which can be used to make payments at the POS of a brand. All transactions will be in Benebit Tokens and can only be made to businesses affiliated with Benebit. The purpose of the BeneCard is to replace all loyalty cards of different companies, so users will not have to bother carrying different cards for loyalty schemes the participate in.Details of Token and Allocation Funds

- 40% - Marketing
- 30% - Development & Suport
- 12% - Sales & Partnerships
- 10% - Legal
- 5% - Integration, Security & Audits
- 3% - Others
Pre-ICO Begins: January 22, 2018
Pre ICO Expires: March 21, 2018
ICO Begins: March 25, 2018
ICO Expires: Aprill 30,2018
- TOKEN PRICE : 1 ETH = 3000 BNE
- HARD CAP : 40,000 ETH
- Total Supply : 300,000,000
More Info
Ann Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2548744Website : https://benebit.io/en
Whitepaper : https://benebit.io/storage/Whitepaper.pdf
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/benebitcommunity/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/benebit_io
Telegram : https://t.me/benebit
Author : mriansa