Wednesday, December 13, 2017

BITMORA - Building an exchange for the people by the people

bitmora is an exchange market that aims to reduce the costs of having exceptional security and voting systems that are different from other exchange markets.intention of creating an exchange that is not only built for the people, but by the people. Our service will provide a platform that allows users to globally exchange cryptocurrency in a professional manner and help set the standard for all professional cryptocurrency trading

Fee System
Fees on current exchanges are unacceptable. Bitmora recognizes the need to change this. Our fee system will allow the user to pick the fee they want, our first step to putting control back into our user’s hands.

Voting System
In Bitmora’s opinion, current cryptocurrency executives run their exchanges with no real regard for their users’ opinions. We want to turn this system on its head. Our voting system will ensure that changes users think best for the future of cryptocurrency are passed through a rigorous litmus test in which popular opinion is weighed against the opinions of the bitcoin activists that serve as both Advising Board Members and Influencers to Bitmora. The system will work as follows:

  1. A user posts a suggestion to one of our suggestion boards
  2. The top twenty suggestions to receive the appropriate number of up-votes by our bi-weekly deadline will be passed to our private voting group.
  3. Should the suggestion(s) receive a 50% approval rating from the private voting group, the suggestion will be passed to our Influencer Group. In the case of a no-vote, the decision will be passed to our Influencer Group regardless.
  4. Our Influencer Group will select what they deem to be the five most urgent/important suggestions for review by our Advising Board. In the case of a no-vote by our Influencers, the five suggestions with the highest number of votes from our private voting group will be passed to our Advising Board. In the case of a no-vote by our private voting group, the five suggestions with the most up-votes on the original suggestion board post will be passed on to our Advising Board. 
  5. Our Advising Board will hold votes on each of the five suggestions, should a suggestion receive a majority passing vote, the suggestion will be passed on to our Executive Team for final approval. 
  6. The Executive team will either:
    • Pass the suggestion(s) and put the change(s) into effect as soon as feasibly possible.
    • Decline the suggestion(s), and release a statement explaining their reasoning to their users, and open a side panel with their Influencers and Advising Board to discuss the appropriate way to proceed. 


Our team works daily to reach out to the community to see what features you think belong on an exchange, and we're listening with open minds.

Security Driven
Security on our exchange is of utmost importance to us. We are dedicated to providing the best security we can to ensure no funds ever go missing.

    Enterprise Network
    The days of seeing a loading screen when you click “Sell” are over. Our systems work at            lightning fast speeds to make sure you get the price you want.

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Author : mriansa;u=886049
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