TraDove Just as Facebook connects friends and LinkedIn connects professionals, the current TraDove platform connects business partners with its business social network. The next generation platform will utilize blockchain and AI driven social networking technologies to further shorten the corporate buyer & seller discovery cycle, enhance B2B transparency, expand user trust, and allow for company-to-company precision advertising. Additionally, BBCoin will provide a better payment instrument for international trade.
Advantage TraDove
Unlike a consumer social network as a Facebook or a professional network such as LinkedIn,TraDove Business Social Network puts substantially more emphasis on traffic quality than on traffic
quantity. They do not seek nor do they need hundreds of millions of users. TraDove only need tens of millions of users. A business user's value is much higher than a professional user, which is in turn higher than that of a consumer user. Facebook paid $ 42 per consumer user for WhatsApp. Microsoft paid $ 60 perprofessional user for LinkedIn. How much is a TraDove business user worth? The answer is A LOT! TraDove emphasis on traffic quality and not just quantity keeps TraDove operational costs low and increasing both business users' value and TraDove profit margins.
How it works with Blockchain Technologies
Technologies used on TraDove Business Social Network Platform https://www.tradove.comOur core business widely leverages Big Data and Machine Learning (ML) technologies. Big Data and
Machine Learning streamline buyer-seller interactions. Results are then fed back using a series of
business logic programs to assist buyers, sellers and other users in close to real time on both mobile
sites and websites. Security is on our minds every moment of every day! Our global data center deploys secure interface connections between two main offices, one in the United States and one in China. Our web interfaces are firewalled and secured with Virtual Private Networks around the world. Security is built into the core design and implementation of TraDove’s backend infrastructure
- Social Network Technology: TraDove uses both open and proprietary social network technologies along with mechanisms for connection, networking and collaboration among business people, products/services and companies.
- Big Data and Business Mapping: Since the launch of TraDove five years ago, TraDove have accumulated a large inventory of B2B data spanning people, products/services and companies.
- Artificial Intelligence: TraDove support the active growth of our user and business databases with a wide range of AI technologies such as NLP, LR, RNN,FM and DNN to facilitate buyer-seller interactions, including, but not limited to, matching potential business partners, product/service and company recommendations and expressed needs alert services.
- B2B Marketing Cloud: TraDove have a world wide storage network and along with other content delivery technologies, can quickly upload, store and deliver B2B marketing collaterals such as white papers, product pictures, product videos and other web contents to global users based on geographic distances to users.
To solve the fundamental B2B trust problem, in international trade in particular, TraDove will use BBCoins and blockchain technology – smart contracts and smart wallets, for example. TraDove will assure that, after successful delivery of products or services, companies get paid.
Allocation Funds
marketing, user acquisition, etc : 40%
product development, team hiring, network infrastructure : 30%
compliance, tax and other uses : 34%
token offering related costs including legal, marketing and token offering team, etc. : 6%
Detail of Token
- NAME : TraDove BBCoin
- COIN PRICE : 1 BBCoin : $0,16
- HARD CAP : $52,000,000
- TOTAL SUPPLY : 1,000,000,000 BBCoin
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Author : mriansa