Tuesday, February 6, 2018


Within only 2 years, savedroid has already left its mark in the German FinTech space. We have built an award-winning, cutting-edge AI savings ecosystem that is available for free on Android and iOS in Germany. The app is targeting a rather younger user group - 90% between 18 and 44 years - and has registered more than 200K downloads and multiple millions of saving transactions have been processed so far. We have created enormous economic value for our mass market users. And high customer satisfaction – just have a look at our app store ratings:
It is savedroid’s goal to help people with putting money aside in a dedicated savings account, using personalized AI based savings rules. These rules—also known as “smooves”, a contraction of “smart saving move”—allow users to turn their everyday habits, such as exercising, checking their smartphone, using social media apps or shopping, into pure savings. savedroid has solved the challenge for common people to save money - it provides smart and fully-automated micro-savings and even spend optimization – using a self-learning algorithm with a convenient UX understandable for everybody. Thereby, we successfully democratized everyday savings.

Vision "Cryptocurrencies for Everyone"

Savedroid, the award-winning German FinTech specialized in artificial intelligence (“AI”) saving technology, has geared up to democratize cryptocurrencies: savedroid will create a unique AI fueled ecosystem of crypto saving and investing for the masses. Users will profit from easy access to AI-based crypto saving plans in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Litecoin, IOTA, Dash, Stellar, etc. and superior crypto investment opportunities, such as portfolios, derivatives, and ICOs, without any technological adoption barriers. savedroid eliminates today’s complex and painful processes by creating a smart User Experience (“UX”), which conveniently auto-converts savings to cryptocurrencies, securely stores them, and makes them easily accessible, tradeable, and spendable. Hence, savedroid is the first German ICO1 driving crypto inclusion.

savedroid will leverage its existing core assets of state-of-the-art AI technology and great UX based on maximum simplification and emotional gamification to deliver this exceptional value proposition. In fact, savedroid is the very first ICO of a German stock corporation that follows German legislation and regulation to provide participants with the highest level of security.

The Savedroid Token - SVD

We create an ERC20 utility token with a built-in deflation mechanism as suggested by Vitalik Buterin4 to support the future value of the savedroid token. The savedroid token – with the short name “SVD” – can be used to purchase the crypto services within the savedroid ecosystem. Users of our automated crypto saving and investing will use the savedroid token to pay the fees of these crypto services. Once, a savedroid token has been used for a purchase within the savedroid ecosystem we will burn a certain percentage of these tokens to support the future value of the tokens. You can also sell the SVD privately, in supported token exchanges, or hodl it.

  • Value and Strategy
The intrinsic value of SVDs derives from its functionality within the fast growing savedroid ecosystem of AI based crypto saving and investing. Savedroid, for the first time ever, provides average mass market users with easy access to cryptocurrencies without technological adoption barriers. Within savedroid’s unique AI fueled ecosystem, users will profit from convenient AI-based crypto saving plans in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Litecoin, IOTA, Dash, Stellar, etc. and superior crypto investment opportunities, such as portfolios, derivatives, and ICOs. savedroid will create a smart UX which conveniently auto-converts savings to cryptocurrencies, securely stores them, and makes them easily accessible, tradeable, and spendable.

  • Benefits of SVD Usage for User and within the Ecosystem
Leveraging technical support processes, savedroid will enable all users, especially those who have not originally participated in the ITS, to conveniently buy SVD on the market through the savedroid ecosystem

  • Convenient crypto saving
All offered crypto saving services, including savedroid’s self-learning AI saving algorithm, auto-conversion from fiat to crypto and vice versa, and secure wallet storage, can be purchased with SVD. The crypto saving will be available for a monthly base fee plus a percentage transaction fee for every conversion of fiat to cryptocurrencies and from cryptocurrencies to fiat.

  • Smart Saving and Spending in and across Cryptocurrencies
These features include AI based switching of savings between cryptocurrencies and conveniently spending crypto savings to fulfill wishes at the preferred merchants. savedroid will charge a percentage transaction fee for smart crypto trading. The savedroid cryptocurrency credit card will be available for a monthly fixed fee.

  • Smart investments in Cryptocurrency portofolios, derivatives, and ICOs
All AI based crypto investing services, such as smart investments in risk-return optimized cryptocurrency portfolios, derivatives, and ICOs, will also be charged in SVD.

  • Exclusive Beta-Program and App-Features for ITS Participants
Moreover, ITS participants will receive exclusive access to further privileges and premium features within the savedroid ecosystem free of charge: All savedroid token holders who have bought their SVD during our ITS may participate in savedroid’s beta program and benefit from new features first. Beta program participants will also have much stronger influence on the future development of the savedroid ecosystem by providing early feedback and having exclusive feedback channels directly to our development team.

Token Details

  • PRE SALE - [12 JANUARY 2018]
  • MAIN SALE - [9 FEBUARY 2018]

  • COIN PRICE : 1 EUR : 100 SVD
  • SUPORT : ERC20
  • TOTAL SUPPLY : 10,000,000,000 SVD

More Info

Ann Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2578161
Website : https://ico.savedroid.com/
Whitepaper : https://ico.savedroid.com/savedroid-ico-whitepaper.pdf
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/savedroid
Twitter : https://twitter.com/savedroidAG
Telegram : https://t.me/savedroid

Author : mriansa
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