more and more popularity. The volume of funds pouring into the blockchain
economy has been increasing steadily over the last years: ICO investments are
already estimated at billions of US dollars.
ICO market advances so fast that it is hardly possible to follow a growing
number of ICO campaigns: there is no chance to clarify the intentions and
efficiency of every team operating at the market.
Blockchain is a unique technology that may give birth to many new multi-
billion dollar companies. However it can’t insure investors against scam and
fraud. Some projects plan to flee away with the funds straight after the ICO.
Others recognize the failure to meet the challenges or unmanageable scale of
works after they had collected the funds. In both cases all the raised funds are
already at the company’s disposal and further use of invested money is out of
the control.
Unfortunately, this innovative approach to fundraising — ICO, has several
substantial drawbacks.
In this document we describe the blockchain solution that is capable to solve
the problems mentioned above:
DES – Decentralised Escrow Service – the first-ever decentralized escrow-
platform for ICO implementation.
It can fix following issues:
- Distrust in startup projects;
- Lack of confidence in escrow (due to the human factor);
- Lack of control over the use of invested funds;
- Absence of user-friendly interface for interaction with startup project in the
process of the development of the final product.
DES helps to define the rationality of further financing via general voting of
investors at different stages of project implementation.
DES are confident, that it is impossible to develop a programmable code or
establish an efficient business model in a short period of time, as it takes at least
half a year to go through different stages of project realization. Thus, the
compliance with the roadmap and stage-by-stage financing is a key element to
make an efficient project.
Each and every stage of project’s roadmap includes activities to be
accomplished within a specific time-frame and submitted for investors’ final
approval in order to get to the next level of financing.
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Author : mriansa;u=886049